Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Brad Dobyns.
The Central Oregon and Pacific Railroad (CORP) operates the ex-Southern Pacific (SP) Siskiyou Line from Springfield Jct. (Eugene), Oregon to Black Butte, California and the ex-Southern Pacific Coos Bay Line from Eugene to Coquille, Oregon. Both of these lines were sold off at the end of 1994. Until the opening of the Natron Cutoff in 1926, the Siskiyou Line was part of the SP main between San Francisco and Portland.
CORP began life on January 1, 1995 when the "GoTeam" from then-parent company Railtex, Inc. arrived and took over operation of the Siskiyou and Coos Bay lines from the Southern Pacific. Overnight, the tunnel motors were gone from the haulers, relaced by GP38's and GP40's. The SD9's hung around for a bit, but soon those were also gone as more four axle power arrived in Oregon.
Today, CORP still has plenty of GP38's and GP40's around but now we are starting to get more and more 6-axle power again with the arrival of ex-SP and Helm SD40 units. If you would like to see the full CORP roster includes heritage photos, click here
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